28 February 2005

In Retrospect

You know, as I was driving over to campus, I had time to reflect on just how many crazy women I've dated. There was Mudflap, who still won't leave me alone (though I don't think I've heard from her since maybe Halloween?). There was Magdalena, who after one extremely good date, hooked up with this other guy she'd been spending time under, and when I tried to remain friends with her, accused me behind my back of stalking her; luckily, everyone she claimed that to saw between the lines, and most of them didn't like her to begin with. There was Jenny... Well, yeah, that was partly my fault, but she was still very high maintenance, and very touchy.

I'm hard pressed to find more than one or two girls I've dated, ever, who didn't have some serious psychological defect.

Anyway, I'm going to use the head, then check the news.


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