12 February 2005

Lent + Scripture

I wouldn't say I've gone through some sort of spiritual awakening lately, but I've been shifting the way I live my faith. Since late December, I've been reading the book of Job. I finished it yesterday.

I'm also considering giving something up for Lent. At this point, I have very few choices, as Lent started Wednesday. Only one of you wankers suggested something, and that was Guinness. It was a perfect suggestion, and I can't come up with anything better, but I'm somewhat inclined not to do it. Every now and again, somewhat rarely, I enjoy a nice, cold bottle of Guinness. I may skip Lent this year. If you have additional suggestions, go right ahead and post them.

Anyway, having finished Job, I'm going to move onto something else. I've figured out a list of possibilities.

  • Joshua
  • Judges
  • Jeremiah
  • Daniel
  • Luke
  • Acts
  • Romans
  • Hebrews

    Got some input? Let me have it.

    Blogger Mo said...

    I have no suggestions for you. But I thought I would share something with you. I am by baptism and marriage a Lutheran. We attended Lent services on Wednesday night and we will attend both Wednesday & Sunday services until Easter. Lutherans don't typically give up anything for Lent. But my husband is Catholic and Lutheran(it's a long story) so we generally try to give up something. I decided this year not to give up something material(ie chocolate, drinking, smoking...)I'm giving up attitude. As Jesus was a humble and forgiving man, I am trying to be the same way. I tend to jump onto people, and I can give attitude sometimes. I have been known to hurt feelings without meaning to. I am trying to be a better person for Lent. I hope my faith will give me strength and that I can make this a habit all year long. Credit to you for making the effort to better yourself through faith. I wish more people would.

    6:40 PM  

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