25 February 2005

A Successful Test

You remember my two posts yesterday about Canada finking out on support for ballistic missle defense, which directly helps them? I felt that the best argument came from pony, who pointed out that the system doesn't work. Unfortunately for pony, the U.S. Navy tested the system successfully yesterday, probably several hours before (s)he even posted that comment.

That's right, wankers. It works, and it'll only work better with the passage of time. And the money shot? Why, it's in the first paragraph.

A US navy missile over the Pacific intercepted a target missile, which the military on Thursday said was the fifth successful test of a system to shield North America.

Five successful tests. Five! A system that doesn't work doesn't have five successful tests. The fact that Canada pledged yesterday not to participate only underscores the growing problem of America providing international security with minimal backup.


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