31 March 2005

Media Showboatin' Mullahs

What do you do if you're a terrorist regime trying to convince the world that your program to build nuclear weapons isn't a program to build nuclear weapons? You give the media a limited tour of one of your facilities.

Journalists have been allowed to accompany Iranian President Mohammad Khatami on his first official visit to the Natanz nuclear facility.

Natanz, some 250km (150 miles) south of Tehran, was a closely-guarded secret until late 2002 when its existence was revealed by an Iranian exile group.

You'd think that this would have been a great opportunity for the IAEA to see those centrifuges, but no, Khatami couldn't have that.

And the media bias money shot?

The site holds uranium enrichment facilities which, the US says, could be aimed at producing nuclear weapons.

But Tehran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes.

The U.S. says? Well, if it's just an eivl American Yankee cowboy imperialist accusation, then why are the Brits, the French, and the Germans teaming up to try and stop it?


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