20 March 2005


There are two blogs that have come to my most excellent attention lately, and I'm upgrading them from "worth plugging" to "Buddy Blogroll."

The first is Eyerocker, a Southern redneck huckster. If you loved Jeff Foxworthy, you'll love Eyerocker.

The second is Lycan Thrope. This guy is as much a savage brute as me, and he's funny as hell. Not only is he even smoother than me, but he's cultured enough to pull off a line like this:

Of course I square away on two of them, which ultimately turns out to be a mistake. Trapped between them both and getting equal levels of interest, it becomes impossible to seperate one from the other, or properly interpret which one is more interested... So while I am in between the Scylla and Charybdis, my other buddy is chatting up the third one....

For you savages who have no clue what he's talking about, here's an explanatory link.

I may have to follow the lead of the Heir to the Throne and establish a ratings heirarchy for plugging other people's sites. (The Heir's heirarchy deals with levels of liberal idiocy.)


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