07 April 2005

Agenda-Driven Scientists

Contrary to Lee and Drumwaster's vision of a utopian scientific process, a team of agenda-driven scientists who didn't read the news of successful tests of the missile defense system over the last few months have come forward to urge the government to stop funding the tests.

A group of top US scientists, including nine Nobel Prize winners, called on Congress Thursday to stop funding deployment of interceptor missiles for a controversial ground-based missile defense system, saying it was incapable of defending against a real attack.

In a letter, they said the funding should be eliminated until the system can be shown to work through tests that mimic real-world conditions.

"We judge that, in the absence of realistic and successful testing, declaring the system operational -- and any further deployment of GMD components -- would be technically indefensible," the letter said.

Among the 22 signers of the letter were nine Nobel laureates in physics, as well as physics professors from leading US universities and research centers.

Sorry, gents, but I'm going to trust the tests on this one.


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