24 April 2005

A Quick Message to Newbies

This is addressed specifically at one person, but generally to everyone who reads TSTF regularly. For various reasons, I prefer to retain as much anonymity as possible. Most of the people who post here regularly (well, about half) know some details about me. A couple of people know a lot about me.

I don't use my first name on this blog, nor do I lose my last name. Accordingly, it would be nice if people who post here regularly, or regular readers who are posting for the first time, would NOT USE MY NAME WHEN POSTING A COMMENT, particularly now that I'm using HaloScan and have no clue how to go back and edit said comments. If you want to call me by name, substitute "Fly" for [(DON'T) INSERT NAME HERE].

Don't take it personally. Do make the adjustment if you post here. Thanks.


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