27 May 2005

The Bolton Delay

This is becoming tiresome...

WASHINGTON — The vote on John Bolton (search) to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has been blocked, with Democrats trying to force the White House to release long-sought classified information about the controversial nominee, or perhaps to pick someone else for the job.

Republicans were not able to muster on Thursday the 60 votes needed to stop debate on Bolton's nomination despite support from two Democratic senators who had been instrumental in recent negotiations over judicial nominees.

Although Democrats claimed the move did not constitute a filibuster, Republicans said it sure looked like one.

Think that the nuclear option's off the table? If those filthy Democrats like Boxer, Reid, Byrd, Kennedy, Kerry, and Pelosi keep this up, the nuclear option will be resurrected, and the charred corpses of their political careers will blow away like dust in the wind.

Absolutely ridiculous. I hope someday I can get elected to a Senate seat and then not vote. Oh well... That's a government job for you.


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