12 May 2005

The Ethnic Rift

I can't believe I forgot to post this article yesterday, because it's pretty huge. Apparently American and Pakistani intelligence agents are exploiting a growing ethnic rift within al Qaeda. According to the article, there's a growing tension between Arabs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens, et cetera. The primary division is between Arabs and Central Asians.

What's it all mean? Well, probably not much so far, but it could become a big deal. Disputes and tensions within al Qaeda between Arabs and Central Asians, and further tensions between the various Central Asian ethnic groups, likely points not only to ideological differences, but also to a slowly shrinking financial and supply base with which to draw from. It sounds as if there just aren't enough resources available to supply everyone, and this is leading to disputes within the organization.

If you'll remember, this was the entire point of invading Iraq and Afghanistan. Afghanistan was al Qaeda's playground before we eliminated the Taliban and took the fight to the enemy. Before the liberation of Iraq, that country was both a safe haven and sponsor of Islamist terror. Aside from killing or capturing individual terrorist leaders, a major focus of World War IV is to starve the enemy out. By denying them sponsors and sanctuaries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, we constrict them, and starve out the terrorists and their movement.

Welcome to war in the twenty-first century, folks. If you thought it was all about oil, you've got some reading to do.


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