25 June 2005

Asylum Leadership

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, M.D., was apparently on last night's Daily Show, and it's rerunning tonight. Excuse my language, but what a fucking tool.

There are plenty of respectable Democrats: Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, for instance. Howard Dean is not one of them. Neither is Ted Kennedy. Neither are Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Charlie Rangel, Hillary Clinton, or most of the other democratic legislators in Congress.

The Democratic Party is out of touch, they have no vision, they have no integrity, they have no ideas, and as long as they have Howard Dean making an ass out of himself, accusing Republicans of being a "white, Christian party" composed of people who have never had a "real job", they're going to continue to be a marginal fringe party with ever decreasing legitimacy in American society and politics.


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