23 June 2005

Kofi Talk

If you don't understand the humor in the title to this post, you're a wanker.

Anyway, there's more big talk from everyone's favorite corrupt international politician, Kofi Annan.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said international support pledged towards rebuilding Iraq marks a "turning point" for the country.

But he said the process would not be easy and Iraqis should take control of their own future.

Mr Annan was speaking at the end of a conference in Brussels that issued a declaration of support for Iraq.

The meeting was co-hosted by the EU and the US and attended by more than 80 countries and organisations.

"This conference marked a watershed for Iraq," Mr Annan said afterwards.

Yep. A "turning point" and a "watershed" that would have never happened if you were a real leader, eh Kofi? It's a good thing somebody overstepped your empty authority and told terrorist leaders that they could run, but they couldn't hide, eh Mr. Annan?


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