08 June 2005

Let Them In

Okay, when someone has this much ingenuity in their quest to escape Castro's communist paradise, I think they should be allowed to stay. If a guy has a great fastball, he's allowed to stay. If a guy's got both the technical knowhow and enough style to convert an antique taxi into a boat, they shouldn't be deported: they should be put to work welding armor plates onto tanks, and such.

I was happy, though, to read the following section.

In 2003, immigrants tried to cross the Florida Straits aboard a green 1951 Chevrolet pickup, which a man named Luis Grass had converted into a boat. They were intercepted and sent back to Cuba. The Coast Guard then sunk the craft.

In 2004 Grass made a second attempt to get to the United States illegally — this time aboard a Buick sedan powering another homemade barge.

Grass and his family had more success sticking to land: on March 12 they entered the U.S. though the Texas-Mexico border and were allowed to stay

I'm glad to hear this. I kept thinking that the guy who turns a '51 Chevy pickup or a Buick into a boat ought to be offered assylum, instead of having to request it.

Luis Grass, if you're reading this: welcome to America!


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