23 June 2005

Wednesday Evening Recap

What a day. Just like yesterday, I'm pretty much exhausted. I already told you about my workout; once I got to work, I immediately went about washing one of the vehicles, which took most of my time down there. I'm looking forward to next week, when I'll be done taking the office every night, and I'll be able to do my day job with more time and more efficacy than I have the last couple of weeks.

I don't remember exactly how much I've mentioned about my Arabic coursework. I'm sitting in on Arabic classes this Summer, at least for the duration of my time in the area. It's three hours a day, every weekday. The instructor is a friendly little Yemeni woman, married with two kids. She's very patient, and overall it's been a very positive experience so far. We've been working on the Arabic alphabet and a few simple words and phrases, and it's turning out to be easier than I had imagined. If only German had been this enjoyable!

I received two graduation cards in the mail today. One was from our neighbors of many, many years, who lived behind us, then moved a few blocks away, then moved to a house down the street. Their daughter, now married, was a year ahead of me, and we were practically inseparable when we were little. The other was from TSTF commentator April, who graciously sent me twenty dollars worth of movie theater gift certificates. April, if you're reading this, you're wonderful!

I have a few things to get done. I'm going to take a hot bath in order to soothe my lightly aching shoulder, and then I'm going to read from Moonraker for the first time all week. Before I do all of this, though, I need to get my room set up for me to go to bed, and figure out what needs to be done to ensure an efficient and productive day tomorrow.

This is probably the last post for the night. Thanks for reading.


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