29 July 2005

Yom, Tag, Jour, Giorno, Dies, Day

What'd the Fly do today? I know you're asking yourself just that. It wasn't much different than most of my other days, really.

I was up at 06:00, and got to campus at 08:20 or so. During our second break from Arabic class, I ran into one of my Socratic buddies, and it sounds like I've finally found someone to hit the gym with. That'll start Monday. He's a good Christian guy, and a former Marine, and we get along pretty well, so I'm looking forward to it.

After class I made a call to England and talked to The Embalmer's Wife. Apparently she didn't even know that there'd been a second bombing attack a week ago in England. I haven't talked to anyone in the old country, save for a couple of quick E-Mails on 7/7, in over a month, so it was good to catch up on a few bits of gossip and discuss a couple of issues with her.

I got to the gym a bit later than I had anticipated due to the unexpected length of the phone call, but had a great workout. One hundred situps, one hundred pushups, and fifteen machine-assisted pullups, plus stretching, followed by about twenty-eight minutes in the pool. I was tired and sore beforehand, I've been tired and sore since, but it's a good tired, and it's a good sore.

At work I spent most of the time outside, washing the walls in one area of the building, eliminating cobwebs and unsightly dirt. I accomplished some other things, including burning some CDs, and then I stopped by Super Dave's place in an unsuccessful attempt to borrow a couple of books on running that he'd loaned me a while ago. Following that visit, I went to Sears to replace my cargo shorts, all of which seem to be developing holes from excessive wear and tear. In fact, even my Carhartt jeans are starting to develop holes in the same places. Very unfortunate, but hopefully a problem solved, at least with respect to the cargo shorts, for the time being.

Now I'm here, and chomping at the bit to finish up this blog post so that I can complete at few other tasks. What's left on my infamous list? Or rather, what was on it to begin with?

  • PT - DONE (except for pre-bed stretching)
  • Bible - DONE (though I'll reread Ecclesiastes 6 before bed)
  • news - DONE (see below)
  • read (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea chapter 2.17, and maybe 2.18)
  • write (bibliographical stuff for both papers)
  • work - DONE
  • class - DONE
  • Sears - DONE
  • Super Dave - DONE
  • dishes

    I also need to prep my PT gear for tomorrow. So, basically... Enjoy the news updates. I'll try to post something in the morning, or maybe later tonight.


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