27 July 2005

Hitting the Wall, and Breaking Through It

I'm establishing a warrior's spirit, a hunter's ethos. I'm establishing discipline. I'm kicking ass.

Last night, due to several distractions, I didn't get to bed until about 23:30. (Thanks, Katie, April, and Sarah Canuck.) I set my alarm for 05:30, then reset it for 06:00, and got up at 05:46 or so. I apologize for not posting; I had an appointment for breakfast in College City with my young friend, YNB. We discussed Just War Theory, among other things. Outstanding.

I went to class, and had a couple of run-ins with Annoying Girl, which I'll go into when I have a longer opportunity. Once that was over, it was off to the gym. I was composed, but excited to see that the hottie who works in the rec center's cafe was back; I was under the impression that she wasn't working there anymore after asking the other day, but it turns out that there was an error in communication, and she just had the day off.

The workout? The same that I've been doing: stretching, then 3x, 4x, 5x, 4x, 3x, 2x where X equals minutes of running and , equals one minute of walking. It took all my discipline to make it happen, particularly on the last few laps since I desperately needed to use the loo. I finished out strong, though, and never took longer than sixty-two seconds before I started running again. After that I made a quick head call, then hit the stationary bike for long enough to read another chapter of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (I posted a link yesterday, go find it). I stretched out again, and then got showered, dressed, and gone.

Now I've just eaten leftover Chinese food, and I'm about to change and go to work for about an hour. I'll be working tonight on another overdue paper in the push to get it all finished up, but I'll make a few posts. Keep posted.

By the way, if you now, or have ever, gone by the alias "Q" and you're reading this, I've received the CD, and will give it a listen.


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