30 July 2005

A Minor Setback

As I was leaving work this evening, I got a call on my mobile phone. Normally I might have let it go, as I was trying to get out of the office, but I'm on call, so I figured it might be something for work. I was incorrect.

It happened to be Mrs. Super Dave. As some of you may remember, I stopped in yesterday to try and borrow some running books, and they told me that a very pregnant Mrs. Super Dave was scheduled to have a Caesarean section next week. Well, the phone call was from Mrs. Super Dave... From Hometown Hospital. She started having mild contractions last night, and was still having them this morning. She went in to see the doctor today, and by late morning they were prepping for the surgery. Mom and baby are just fine, and baby is adorable. I took some candy for the new big sister, as there will be a great deal of attention paid to the baby in the coming days, weeks, and months.

So, there have been several developments.

  • It's not even next week, and I can already cross two things off of my list: "Bank?" for Monday, and "Mrs. Super Dave C-Section".
  • I'm home and settled two hours later than I had intended.

    Battlestar Galactica's on at ten, and I'll be watching it since I missed it altogether last week. I also have to do some cleanup in the living room. And I'm supposed to get some writing done, but I may settle for less actual work on that project than I had originally intended. I'd also like to get a hot bath, because my UDT trunks, tighter than they are normally having just been washed and dried last night, did a real number on my thights today.

    I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm running behind schedule, I'm on call for the whole weekend, and I won't be in bed for another three hours, at the very least. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. This is just another opportunity for me to prove to myself that I rule, and that I can push myself harder than most of the people I know.

    Did you hear that? I rule.

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