24 August 2005

Europeans: Right or Wrong?

Liberals always seem to think that Europeans have the answer to every problem under the sun, and that we Americans are just barbarians who won't submit to the common sense of the old world. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a farce. I've lived in Europe, I've travelled in Europe. It's untrue.

Interestingly enough, liberals are completely hypocritical about this issue, and I'm going to give you two examples of this.

One thing you absolutely can't avoid on a European road is a roundabout. I spent all last Summer in England, and a big part of my job was driving from Point A to Point B, and generally on to Point C. At any rate, I had a lot of experience with roundabouts. Folks, roundabouts are in no way superior to a simple perpendicular intersection with a traffic light. Liberals are wrong, and the unfortunate truth is that their wrongness is leading to asinine roundabouts cropping up throughout the United States. I happen to live in a fairly conservative community, and the rich part of town just got the town's first "traffic control installation", or roundabout. Not only was it an asinine idea in the first place, but they didn't even make it to the specifications recommended by the engineers who surveyed the spot.

So why do they use them? Well, interestingly enough, many of the traffic lights I saw in my particular corner of the United Kingdom were little more than cross-walk lights, placed in the middle of a regular city block. The truth of the matter is that roundabouts exist on many European roads because those roads are poorly laid out. There's no such thing as city and urban planning in many European areas; they're the result of thousands of years of farms and villages growing together, and there is no rhyme or reason to their routing. Roundabouts are merely a way of controlling traffic on such poorly planned roads.

To recap? Europeans are wrong on roundabouts.

However, are the Europeans right on some things? One of the few things that Europeans, and the French in particular, are actually right on is nuclear power. But will liberals acknowledge it and demand an increase in nuclear plant production? Of course not.

France has nuclear plants, all of which operate daily without incident, throughout the country. Americans get most of their overall energy from power plants that burn fossil fuels. Wind and solar power, though "clean", provide very little actual energy for the money they require. Hydroelectric power works, but it has an environmental impact. Nuclear power? The only tangible emission is steam, which dissipates. The radioactive waste is actually more environmentally friendly than the emissions and side effects of the rest. Why do I say this? Because nuclear waste is so nasty that you have to dispose of it securely and unequivocally.

So why do liberals want European solutions to everything except energy production? Probably because they're not paying enough attention; that, or they're closed-minded, and won't listen to reason. You be the judge.


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