07 September 2005

Jon Stewart: Ignorant Tool

This morning I caught the intro to last night's Daily Show, and I was decidedly displeased. Jon Stewart assigned sole responsibility for the colossal goatfuck that was New Orleans to President Bush. He claimed that it was an inarguable error in judgment, and claimed that President Clinton's trysts with Monica Lewinsky were his colossal error in judgment. He said that the New Orleans disaster is President Bush's Lewinsky scandal, but said that with Clinton's scandal, ten thousand people didn't get stuck in Monica Lewinsky.

Then he went on to congratulate the media for their tireless and brave reporting of the disaster. I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one; it's the media that claimed that the slow response was an issue of race and class, not one of bureaucracy and logistics. It's the media (and Lee) that's trying to blame FEMA, and President Bush by association, for the grievous errors of Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco.

So what is it? Is Jon Stewart woefully ignorant? Or is he using his platform, gained through a reputation as a comedian and not through any actual knowledge of politics or government, to unfairly attack the President? Or is it a little bit of both?

Either way, he's a frackin' tool.


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