03 November 2005

The Failed Painter

A while ago, M@ and I walked into a shop where you can go and paint pottery, and they fire it for you. We've been meaning to go back ever since, and finally arranged to do it last night when he was done with crew practice. I arrived at about 17:30, and he arrived around 17:50. We decided to get some food, as M@ required sustenance. It was down two blocks to the Iron Horse.

M@ insisted on getting a beer, so while he was doing that and we were waiting for them to make our orders, I walked back a couple of blocks to the used bookstore, which has a coffee shop. I got a cup of tea, which I'll discuss shortly, took it back to the pottery shop, and then went back down to the Iron Horse where, much to my amazement, M@ had already finished his beer, and we still had the better part of ten minutes to talk before our orders were ready.

Okay, so a note about tea. Tea bags are the way to go, folks; even if it's loose tea in a paper sachet in a little teapot, you've gotta have the bag, in some way shape or form. There are a couple of coffee joints in College City that have these little plastic trays, and they put the loose tea in them, they sit on the top of a cup, and the leaves sit on a wire mesh and diffuse into the hot water. Ladies and gentlemen, I have never had a good cup of tea made in this fashion. Last night's tea was beyond abysmal. Seriously. Tea bags. If you need advice on how to do it, you know how to find me.

We started painting; M@ did a pyramid teapot, and I did a small tile. I have basically no artistic talent, and I wanted to start on something small and see just how bad I was before trying something big and expensive. The small ceramic tile was $5, so it was a perfect choice. I had decided, due to a lack of anything with a Guinness logo on it, to do a series of quotes from ancient history. I began writing the following quote...

Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace.
- Calgacus, Caledonian general, 84 AD

Unfortuately, the dexterity with a glob of paint on a tile wasn't sufficient, and it was looking like I was only going to get the one quote on there. Eventually, I decided to bail on that design, cover up the light grey paint with a cherry red, and then paint a crude black 007 logo. Even that got slightly hosed up.

So, I'm calling it: pottery 1, Fly 0. It's a good thing that I base my self worth on qualities other than my ability to paint pottery. I'll probably make another attempt when M@ and I go back to finish up his teapot. The small tile? I'm thinking it might be fun to dispatch it with an 8mm Mauser round.

Thus saith the Fly.


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