03 March 2006

Chinese Dinner

Last night I worked until 20:00, which is to say that I was on the clock until 20:00; in reality, though, I was at the office until after 21:10, due to a combination of playing an online game and doing some grunt work that's sort of difficult to do while the office is actually open. When I got home, I was tired, hungry, and a little groggy. The solution?

You guessed it: order Chinese food, and have it delivered.

Prepared to wait until around 22:00 to receive my food, I called in my order to the only Chinese joint that actually delivers. After ordering egg rolls, sweet and sour chicken, and special fried rice with chicken, shrimp, pork, and all sorts of other good stuff, they told me what the tab would come to ($20.95) and said they'd have it there as soon as they could. I figured that meant that it would be a while.

Was I wrong or what! Not unlike last week's Star Wars incident, this was a time when I was overjoyed to be proven wrong.

The food arrived in fifteen minutes. Fifteen! In fact, I'm not even convinced that it took them that long. I think I was done ordering at around 21:22, and when all was said and done, and the food was on my kitchen counter, I looked up and saw that it was, indeed, 21:36. Sweet merciful glaven on a stick!

Not only that, but I got a couple of great fortunes, with one more cookie yet to be eaten at the time of this writing.

  • You will get an offer that will be hard to turn down.
  • Put your ingenuity to work in anything you're doing.

    Okay, yes, "Ha ha ha, they're even funnier if you add 'in bed' to the end of them." Seriously, I think that only Mo-Licious is immature enough to do something like that; maybe Poosh, too, who has been noticeably absent lately, and whose blog did a weird display thing when I tried to load it today. Anyway.

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