03 March 2006

Crusty Ol' Bane

When I read this, I knew I had to link to it. Particularly this part about Febreeze...

The first time a little college girl offered to demo the product for us in the grocery store, the wife and I shocked her by coming right over and watching her every move with great intensity. She had expected to get blown off, and spend the day facing rejection, like a telemarketer, or the little old lady pimping fried chunks of fish sausage on toothpicks.

But that was not to be. Removes household odors you say? You have got our rapt attention.

And it worked! Her little demo proved the product solid, and we grabbed three bottles of it. I saw two parents pushing a cart by with a toddler strapped in it. "C'mere, dude, check this out!" and soon they grabbed a couple of bottles. A crowd of parents grew. People pushed and shoved, and exclaimed. Bottles flew off the shelf.

The little demo girl looked at me with a mixture of shock and admiration, and I knew right then, I could get a blowjob...

The wife yanked me away, and we continued shopping. When we left, the demo girl waved at me, and put both hands over her heart and did a little curtsy. Oh, the pain of missed opportunities...

Bane is the only blogger I know who's more of a hardass, badass, and all-around ass than me. Warning: swearing, violence, and nudity (but not in that post).

I offered to buy him beer once. He was too picky to take me up on the offer. Any man who's as picky as I am about what grain water he will and won't put in his belly is worthy of my accolades.

Okay, I've plugged Bane enough for one day. Go read his stuff.


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