Hoosier Fly

I've been very excited to see several friends along the course of my journey. As I mentioned previously, I stayed Sunday night with Longhorn Mike and Mighty Mo, and saw Slowdrown/CCE (pictured). I'm really blessed to have such great friends who will take me in when I come into their area of operations.
The plan at this point is to arrive in Suffolk on Wednesday evening, search out a place to live on Thursday and Friday, move my stuff from my truck to the new digs on Saturday, and maybe purchase some furniture on Sunday. I'm in fairly good financial shape, so I should be able to afford to drop some serious cash on a few necessities. The single piece of furniture that accompanied me on the road trip is my Green Eggs and Hammocks Hammock Chair. I'll probably wait on buying a bed, but I've already decided that I will treat this domicile in a much less temporary manner than I did with Zoo Station in Barstow.
Thus far, the Escape from the Mojave Tour has taken me through nine states (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana) with three more to go (Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia) before I reach my final destination.
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