12 August 2007

The Return of Mudflap!?

It was probably inevitable: Mudflap found me on Facebook. I've mentioned her a few times here on the blog - she was one of the girls I dated in high school, and then she refused to leave me alone. Well, despite the fact that we've had no communication for something like a year, she uploaded her Hotmail address book and there I was. I've stopped posting anything and everything about CCG, but I'd say Mudflap is more than fair game.

The Fly 11:31pm August 10th
Um... Okay, you're obviously not a spam/phishing account since you have a picture. Do I know you?

Given the town she'd listed as her hometown, and her first name, I was positive that I knew who it was; but being a cunning Super Fly, I was compelled not to play my hand too early in the game. Her response follows.

Mudflap 11:43pm August 10th
Actually you do. I have no idea how to work this damn facebook so it searched everyone in my email address book. This is [Married Name], you may remember me as [Maiden Name].

Aha! The game is afoot. My carefully composed reaction?

The Fly Today at 4:37pm
Oh, okay. Hey, I tried to E-Mail you a few months back. I'd really like to mail your dad a letter. I hope that he's doing okay, I remember you saying he'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. If you could give me his mailing address, that would be great.

Do you see what I did there? Instead of acknowledging her personally, I responded by talking about her dad. Mudflap's dad is one of the top ten coolest guys I've ever met, bar none. He's missing most of one of his index fingers, he was in the Coast Guard during Vietnam and he and his shipmates would put a facade of sticks and leaves on their cutter and go on riverine "duck patrol" with their shotguns. He had the hatch from either a Victory Ship or a Liberty Ship, and had made it into a table. When he was a trucker, he'd set up his video camera and make "Road Man" videos, which inspired me to do something similar for a couple of A/V club projects in high school (one of which he actually saw, and I taped his reaction for the second one). Having only met me once or twice at the time, and knowing I was going to join the Navy in an officer program, he bought me a copy of The Naval Officer's Guide for Christmas; I still have it, and it's one of the best gifts I've ever received. Okay, her response...

Mudflap Today at 8:20pm
Yes, he's doing good though. He stopped working and now he just projects around the house...and he is on the USCG volunteer thing now to keep himself busy. I'm doing great, thanks for asking. :) Not that you care, but I'll give you a quick run down. Stopped being a cop because I kept passing out before work, they couldn't find out what was wrong with me. I plan on getting back into it once my baby is born. I'm having a boy! He'll be due in a couple weeks. Oh yeah, I"m married, [Husband's Name], he's a Sgt. in the Marine Corp and is a combat instructor for the school of infantry. Other than that.. just hanging out. Hope everything is well with you. Love to hear what you're up to these days. Have you wrote a book yet? I've always wondered when I'd see one from you on the Best Sellers aisle in Booksamillion. You always were a talented writer. Anyway, my dad's address is...

I knew she was either engaged or married, though I didn't know that it was to a Marine. So, Mudflap's going to start having kids. Just what we need. The irony of this, of course, is that someone as cool as her dad could have a child as screwed up as Mudflap. At any rate, my latest response follows.

The Fly Today at 11:25pm
Thanks for the address, I'll try to write him a letter and send it this week. I wouldn't say I think about him a lot, but he does come to mind every now and again and I've thought about how much I wanted to write him a letter to let him know what's happened with me over the last few years. I'm glad to hear that he's doing well despite the Parkinson's issue.

Again, no acknowledgment of her, her husband, her baby. I have tried to make it clear to this girl for about seven years now that I have no desire for any contact with her, so the theory is that reiterating that I'm interested in talking to her dad, while completely ignoring anything and everything about her, may just convince her to let it go, once and for all.

If Mudflap decides to continue, I'll probably continue to update you folks. In the mean time, I have to go to bed; I have an article due at noon tomorrow, and I want to spend at least part of my Sunday enjoying the weekend. God bless those individuals who guarantee my set-in-stone work schedule!


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