02 April 2008

A False Sense of Protection

It's "hump day", as the kids are so fond of calling it these days. I don't know about you folks, but I've been absolutely swamped this week, and the weekend won't be much better.

So, for those of you who read the blog yesterday - were you surprised? Were you fooled? Me, a Protective Security Specialist? Yeah, right! I just sort of fit in a career in the Special Forces community between blog posts, writing articles, and travelling to and fro all the live-long day. Maybe someday, right? Happy April, everybody! I can't believe we're already a quarter through this year... I'd better start accomplishing something soon!

Five years ago today, I placed roses on the place where Julius Caesar was cremated. This site, the Temple of Julius Caesar, is your daily satellite image. I spent a lot of time in college studying Caesar, and even read both his Bella Civili and Bella Gallia. In September of 2003, I wrote an extensive paper on the Roman presence in what is now Britain, and drew extensively from the Bella Gallia. If you're interested, or just bored and up for some good reading, the story of Caesar's first expedition to Britain is in Book IV; if you read Latin, you can check it out here.

Today's fake commercial is a bit more tame than yesterday's, but still hilarious.

And how! So, my original intent was to post another excerpt from Monday's conversation with the Crypto King. Instead, I'll post an exchange between The Artista and her mother, WoW_Champ.

WoW_Champ: (shouted upstairs) [Husband], a package came for you!
The Artista: Mom, didn't dad leave?
WoW_Champ: Oh, yeah.
I think I clapped for a solid minute when I heard this. Hilarious.

No news for today, I'll resume with that tomorrow. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Mighty Mo is probably about the most hospitable person I've ever known. For a good time [at Panda Chinese Buffet], call...


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