30 June 2008

Monday Morning

Hey folks! Very little time today, so just a couple of things.

On Friday, I came across a very compelling video documentary by the BBC about people who escape from North Korea. It's really worth checking out, particularly if you have any humanitarian leanings. The video can be found here, and it's around twenty minutes long. A number of the people whom I've met have accused me of being some sort of "war fan". The truth of the matter is that I favor military action in a number of cases because I know that situations exist in the world where people like these have to do, or attempt to do, the kinds of things they're doing in this situation. Fortunately, a diplomatic/economic approach seems to be working with North Korea - at the moment, at least. It's situations like these that give me my desire to go to Afghanistan, where the Taliban are every bit as brutal, if not moreso, than the North Korean regime.

Today starts a new video series: Ross Kemp in Afghanistan. This is an extremely long one, worth listening to at work if you can turn on the video and continue working. There are five five-part episodes, and rather than spending the next five weeks on them, I'm going to post the first video of each episode (they take about fifty minutes or so apiece) on each of the five days of this week.

One of the topics I studied in college was the Exodus, and part of that study included a detailed study of some research that a couple of guys did on the causes of the Ten Plagues. Their original website, which was up for a brief period in the mid to late 1990's, has been gone for years; but I found a paper this weekend that cites most if not all of their data. If you've ever wondered about the dividing line between natural and supernatural, this is a fascinating read.

Okay, long-time readers (I say that a lot these days) may remember that two things happen this week: my favorite holiday (Independence Day), and my twenty-sixth birthday. I'm not sure I could feel any older than I did when I turned twenty-five, but we'll see. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I ought to do to celebrate? Or perhaps stories of what you did when you turned twenty-six?

Check in tomorrow, folks! Have a great day.


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