11 November 2008

When It All Collapsed

Casey: Dana, we're doing the very best we can. It has nothing to do with lack of preparation, it has everything to do with a seven second contest and a corner man who has no business being on the air. And whom, I might add, it was not my job to get.
Dana: I'm not mad at you.
Casey: Okay.
Dana: You've been funny tonight. Both of you. We've got a long night to go, but... You're doin' great.
Casey: Thank you.
Dana: I stopped being mad at you. I think you know that I went to look for you the other night, and Jack said you'd gone off with--
Casey: Yeah.
Dana: And I was mad at you because, well... Because I was jealous. Obviously. But... And it's not like I hadn't taken that into account when I came up with the brilliant idea in the first place. It was never my intention to make you feel like there was something wrong with you that needed to be fixed. It was regrettable that I did that.
Casey: The thing is, it's been fifteen years of it from you, Dana. And frankly, from my marriage, too, and I know you shouldn't be getting the bill from that, but, well... I just want to move on.
Dana: Yeah.
Loudspeaker: Thirty seconds live.
Casey: I gotta go back.
Dana: Casey? If I were to ask you out tonight, would you say yes?
Casey: No.
Dana: Okay.
Casey: Ask me again sometime.
Dana: Okay.
[Casey goes back to the anchor desk, Dana goes back to the control room.]
Dan: Everything all right?
Casey: Yeah.
Dan: You sure?
Casey: Let's have some fun.
[In the control room.]
Dave: In ten.
Natalie: [to Dana] Everything all right?
Dana: Yeah.
Natalie: You sure?
Dana: It's over.


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