Weekend Recap - With Guns!
Okay, so I have forty minutes worth of Chuck, and an unknown amount of time during which my clothes are in the dryer, in which to type up a quick recap of my weekend.
Friday night was very uneventful, once I'd received some hand-me-down furniture and unloaded it. Saturday morning was very, very eventful. Here's a recap of my stops, and what I picked up.
Office Depot: rubber bands
Best Buy: ethernet cable, USB hard drive enclosure kit (more on that stuff coming soon)
Target: candles, light bulbs, Febreze, and I got some pictures printed off from my day with Captain John and First Mate Annie
grocery store: groceries, money orders to pay bills - more on that shortly
gun show: used Blackhawk Omega Elite Gas Mask Pouch, used M7 bayonet, beef jerky from Triple E Jerky
So as far as the bills that I mentioned, beyond monthly stuff, I've also owed the Crypto King $200 since November of '07 for some furniture that he and his wife gave me when they moved. I'm finally paying him, because he made it clear that it wasn't top priority, and I've had a busy year and a half in the interim. I'm also paying Desert Rat Tim for some gear that he's sending me. The whole thing, plus rent and other bills all at once, has knocked me below my normal safety threshold, but it's still well within comfortable tolerances, and I get paid at the end of the week. I'm mainly glad that I'll be paid up on all of my personal debts. Moving right along...
Most of Saturday afternoon, to include the gun show, was spent with the Butt Rubber, Olive Oil, and their kids - as you can see from the picture, I was responsible for taking little Jacob to his first gun show at the age of five months. Most triumphant! While I was in church on Sunday, I got a call from a buddy of mine from my Navy days who wanted to go shooting. So, for the first time in more than three years - three freakin' years, people! - I put rounds down range. I didn't do as fabulous as I should have, but I had some decent groups, and I intend to go again sooner than October of 2012. Oh, yeah, and it was great to see him for the first time since around '02 - about seven years! It's amazing what living in the vicinity of a huge Navy base will do for a former midshipman.
I've run across a few interesting articles lately that I wanted to share, and then I'll close this up.
Obama Depressed, Distant Since 'Battlestar Galactica' Series Finale (The Onion)
U2's Fallen Joshua Tree - An article about the iconic Joshua Tree from the 1987 U2 album, which died of natural causes in 2000.
Real debates about faith are drowned by the New Atheists' foghorn voices (Guardian) - An interesting article about how militant atheists have turned into the very zealots that they claim to rail against.
YON: Obama plan for Afghanistan, Pakistan short on bold - The latest article from Michael Yon delineates just how troubling the adjusted strategy for Afghanistan really is.
HA! I knew it! I freakin' knew it! Sorry, that was a little Chuck-related epiphany.
Alright, Chuck just ended, and the dryer just finished, so it's time to finish things up around here and head to work. Have a great day, folks, and tune in tomorrow for my latest article on Afghanistan.
Friday night was very uneventful, once I'd received some hand-me-down furniture and unloaded it. Saturday morning was very, very eventful. Here's a recap of my stops, and what I picked up.
So as far as the bills that I mentioned, beyond monthly stuff, I've also owed the Crypto King $200 since November of '07 for some furniture that he and his wife gave me when they moved. I'm finally paying him, because he made it clear that it wasn't top priority, and I've had a busy year and a half in the interim. I'm also paying Desert Rat Tim for some gear that he's sending me. The whole thing, plus rent and other bills all at once, has knocked me below my normal safety threshold, but it's still well within comfortable tolerances, and I get paid at the end of the week. I'm mainly glad that I'll be paid up on all of my personal debts. Moving right along...

I've run across a few interesting articles lately that I wanted to share, and then I'll close this up.
HA! I knew it! I freakin' knew it! Sorry, that was a little Chuck-related epiphany.
Alright, Chuck just ended, and the dryer just finished, so it's time to finish things up around here and head to work. Have a great day, folks, and tune in tomorrow for my latest article on Afghanistan.
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