03 June 2009

Not About Iran

Okay, so I had intended to write about Iran last night, but I was pretty wiped by the end of the day, so here are a few more bullet points on non-Iran-related topics.

  • Because I love my big sister, Mighty Mo, I'll lead off with something she'll love. Keep clickin', sis! The entire blog's like that!
  • CNN: Cheney: No link between Saddam Hussein, 9/11 - As usual, CNN shows themselves to be the morons that they are. I'll discuss this momentarily.
  • North Korea names Kim Jong Il's successor: his youngest son (BBC, CNN, Times).
  • Awesome picture: a peregrine falcon picks up a pigeon
  • AFP: Half of Kazakhstan's uranium stolen by ex-official: police
  • Just for Fun, and mostly for Father Time: Coffin Bookshelf
  • Just for Fun: college nerds make Mozilla FireFox crop circle
  • Just for Fun: Sexy Corsets for Trekkie Chicks!

    So, in lieu of reasoned, objective analysis of the situation in Iran, I'm going to rant about that asterisked article up there. Nobody in the Bush Administration ever claimed that Iraq was tied to 9/11. They claimed that Iraq supported terrorists, which they did; that Iraq had some ties to al Qaeda, which they did; and that the Administration was investigating whether or not Iraq was complicit or participated in 9/11, which they did (which is to say, the Bush Administration did investigate it). I distinctly remember a conversation I had, on 9/11, within hours (maybe even within minutes) of the attacks, when a friend of mine was positive that Iraq had organized the attacks. I hit the nail on the head by telling him that it was "probably that Osama bin Laden guy", and told him that it wasn't the kind of attack that would be directly orchestrated by a country. At no point did my opinion ever change on that, and although many believed that Iraqi support might have been a possibility, it was never demonstrated by the evidence, so the Bush Administration never made the claim. The claim they made, and it was legitimate, was that Iraq was one of the biggest state sponsors of terrorism (which was true), and that they were the most open and brazen about it (which is true - Iran and other nations don't actually admit to their sponsorship and orchestration of terrorist groups). Nice try, CNN. Maybe hire some real journalists next time, instead of interns from Democratic Underground and DailyKos.

    That having been ranted, today's video is a public service announcement... With guitars! No, wait, that's from a Clash song. Today's video is actually the latest installment of the Man in the Box show.

    The plan is to get to work early, hit the pool right after work (last night's swim having been precluded by other responsibilities), which will hopefully leave me somewhat open to write up that post about Iran tonight and yomp tomorrow morning. On the plus side, yesterday afternoon was a banner day for the Fly's Arabic studies. Oh, and I ordered the Gitmo Cookbook last night - what say ye to that, Father Time?

    Alright, folks, stay out of trouble and have a fantastic Wednesday.

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