23 July 2009

At Breakneck Pace

Barely time for the news today.

  • Burma Calls for Nukes (AP, CNN, Times)
  • BBC image: Solar Eclipse at the Taj Mahal
  • BBC: Long shadow - Biden won't make same waves in Georgia as Bush did - If only I could have been there to watch Joe Biden being driven down the George W. Bush Highway in Tblisi. That would have been the highlight of my life.
  • BBC: UK is losing 52 pubs each week - This is a travesty, and should be reversed immediately. Who's with me!? Gus? Father Time? I know that Mighty Mo is with me!
  • Guardian: Lonesome George, the last Galápagos giant tortoise, may become a dad
  • Guardian: Assessing the risk from al-Qaida - The UK has reduced the official threat of an al-Qaida terrorist attack. Should the US follow suit? - Huh. Also, the thumbnail of the author of this article sort of makes him look like Elvis Presley.
  • Times gallery: US Marines in Afghanistan
  • Times: Public want [British] Army withdrawn from Afghanistan - Interesting, since the BBC was reporting just last week that British Afghan mission public support was rising.
  • UPI: Russia eyes Med naval base in Syria
  • SPX: Countering the IED Threat
  • AFP: Biden says US supports Ukraine bid to joint NATO - Let's hope that this is a serious goal of the Obama Administration, and not just some crap that was typed into their teleprompters in order to make them sound good.
  • Taqadoumy: Post-election Mauritania Brief
  • Slate: Why 2024 will be like Nineteen Eighty-Four - A very interesting piece about why non-ownership of books on Kindle sets is a dangerous precedent.
  • Gizmodo: Why the App Store is Just Like the Civil Rights Movement, and Other Lessons We can Learn from I-Fart

    I spent last night doing the following things, which precluded a good blog post:

  • I went on a good yomp, and I did pushups and situps.
  • I replied to an exceptionally long E-mail with another exceptionally long E-mail - time consuming, but it was important.
  • I read a short passage from The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force.
  • I broke down my gear from the yomp and set my gym bag up for today's swim workout.
  • I drank a beer. Mmmmmm. Beer.

    Check in tomorrow, folks. I have a couple of links that I held back today so that I can give them proper coverage tomorrow, so come check them out - if you have any interest in history or guns, tomorrow's the day for you. In the mean time, have a fantastic Thursday.

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