The Fly and HotforWords - Booyeah!
First, the news. If the news puts you off, please skip to the bottom - you have my permission, if only for today. What I have to say in this post is epic.
AP: Gays, Mormons Clash at Second 'Kiss-In' at Mormon Plaza - Seriously? Gay kissing at the Mormon plaza? I don't care what you think about Mormons, and I don't care what you think about gays, anyone who would piss of the Mormons on their own turf over a difference of opinion is just really, really immature, and obviously has no clue as to the likely outcome.
CNN: "Aziz declares win in Mauritania" - The reason that's in quotations is to point out that the guy's name is Abdelaziz, not "Aziz", and CNN reporters are morons. Also, from the BBC: Mauritania army 'to fight terror'; yeah, sure they are. That's totally what coup troops do.
Times: Pared to the bone: Americans take up the clutter challenge - An interesting concept: could you reduce your life to only one hundred possessions?
BBC: In pictures: Gaza six months on - So, the pictures are depressing and all, but let's review: these people elected and continue to support Hamas, right? And Hamas' only real policy is shooting rockets at their neighbors and smuggling weapons in, right? So, why is it that I should feel sympathy for these people?
BBC: How Poles played a key role in breaking Nazi codes
AFP: Russia Stunned by Missile Failure Setback
UPI: Middle East Navies Eye New Submarines
SPX: Improved Counter-IED Training at Home for Deploying Warfighters - Booyeah!
BBC: US firm averts French explosion - Apparently French workers are taking their bosses hostage and threatening to blow stuff up in labor disputes? Yeah, they're totally more civilized and respectable than Americans.
Khatami calls for referendum on disputed election (BBC, Guardian)
AP: Ahmadinejad criticized by own hard-line supporters for vice presidential pick
CNN: Report: Karrubi blasts 'lies'
Moon Landing Anniversary:
BBC: How Nasa plans to take man to the Moon the next time
Guardian: Space exploration volunteers wanted (The catch? It's a one-way ticket)
Times: Armstrong steps cautiously into Mars row
BBC: Audio Slideshow: Man on the Moon
You know, I was born about thirteen years after the moon landing. It's easy for people in my generation to take the whole thing for granted, I even met Jim Lovell once. That having been said: we landed on the Moon. Beyond even the fact that it was Americans that did it - we as a species landed people on the freakin' Moon. That's amazing.
Okay, yesterday I eluded to something really, really, really big. Back in March of 2008, I wrote a post entitled Education from Eastern Europe - Jawöhl!. If I'm not mistaken, this was my first mention of Marina Orlova, AKA Hot for Words, on this blog. Only Friday did I learn something astonishing: Marina Orlova, "Hot for Words", left comments on the post.
* * *
The latter indicates that she actually looked at posts on my blog other than the one that mentioned her. Hachi machi. So, naturally, I felt like a total stooge for missing a comment from one of the biggest Internet celebrities in the world - for a year and a half. The proper course of action was to E-mail Marina "Hot for Words" Orlova through her website.
I sent that shortly before going to bed - and had a response waiting when I got up.
Sometimes, I can't believe how much I rule. Awesome. I got comments, and a very cordial E-mail, from a gorgeous Internet celebrity who's also not a total moron like most gorgeous Internet celebrities are. Awesome. Ladies and gentlement, drinks are on the house.
Right then, time for work. Have a fantastic day.
Moon Landing Anniversary:
You know, I was born about thirteen years after the moon landing. It's easy for people in my generation to take the whole thing for granted, I even met Jim Lovell once. That having been said: we landed on the Moon. Beyond even the fact that it was Americans that did it - we as a species landed people on the freakin' Moon. That's amazing.

Hey "Fly?" (I don't know what to call you!). Thanks for the post! It's always nice to find others with an interest in philology :-)
Keep up the good writings!
Marina HotForWords
Oh I forgot to say that I was surprised to find out that Mocha was a place!
Take care,
The latter indicates that she actually looked at posts on my blog other than the one that mentioned her. Hachi machi. So, naturally, I felt like a total stooge for missing a comment from one of the biggest Internet celebrities in the world - for a year and a half. The proper course of action was to E-mail Marina "Hot for Words" Orlova through her website.
I was going through some old comments on my blog this evening, and I was shocked and embarrassed to realize that you stopped by my website and left a couple of very gracious comments in March of 2008, that I only discovered tonight. Since I use HaloScan for my comments, and you left yours on the organic blogger commenting utility, it literally took me a year and a half to notice that they were even there.
(I'm sure you don't remember leaving a comment from so long ago, but the address is here:
Anyway, I was overjoyed to see that one of my favorite Internet celebrities, whom I adore for her combination of beauty and intelligence (and the accent doesn't hurt!) actually took the time to leave me a comment. Please know that I remain a big fan, and that I have your calendar on my refrigerator at this very moment!
Thanks again, and I hope that you have continued success as you "wow" your viewers with both your wits and your... Adorable smile. :)
Best wishes,
[name] "The Fly" [name]
I sent that shortly before going to bed - and had a response waiting when I got up.
Funny how comments can get lost in the ether.. but still be there waiting to surprise you some day!
Thanks for getting my calendar.. watch out.. July is messed up on the days! So don't miss any appointments this month! I made a cute little fix here:
Thanks for writing me!! I remember leaving those comments believe it or not!
Sometimes, I can't believe how much I rule. Awesome. I got comments, and a very cordial E-mail, from a gorgeous Internet celebrity who's also not a total moron like most gorgeous Internet celebrities are. Awesome. Ladies and gentlement, drinks are on the house.
Right then, time for work. Have a fantastic day.
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