15 February 2005

Long Day

Today's going to be ugly, though not as ugly as last Thursday, or the preceding Tuesday, or the preceding... Yeah, you get the idea.

On a brither note, when I get to the lab this morning, I'm going to update my resume and submit it to the Central Intelligence Agency at a campus career fair today. With respect to intelligence agencies, the C.I.A. isn't my first choice, but I may as well cover my bases.

I'll try to post a couple of bits and pieces once I'm at the lab. Right now, I'm going to get myself some breakfast. Cheerios, banana, and a cup of tea. That should eliminate at least some of the threat to my body that resulted from the entire box of Girl Scout cookies I ate from mid-afternoon Saturday until Sunday evening.

Thin mints, wankers. Thin mints.


Blogger Mo said...

Mmmm...Thin mints. I loves me some Thin Mints.

4:01 PM  

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