24 February 2005


Well, maybe it was inevitable, but I've been "plonked" over at Right Thinking. I could go into a long tirade here about my disagreements with Lee, or I could get vindictive, or I could throw a fit. I don't plan to do any of those things, because doing so would be immature and unprofessional on my part.

The truth, of course, is that I have some disagreements with Lee. In avoiding the actual issue at hand (which I pledged last week not to discuss, as the debate has never really gone anywhere in the five or six threads Lee's had on the subject), I made an off-hand remark that, unfortunately, got under Lee's skin. I regret that; the comment was made in jest, and it's unfortunate that it wasn't taken that way, but it was, and it's Lee's prerogative to eliminate my privilege of posting on his board.

Even though I've disagreed with Lee in the past, and disagree with him now, I've always respected him, and I've based a lot of my posting techniques and style on his example. He's got a lot of talent at what he does; I'll keep checking out his site, and I'll keep his site on my blogroll for other people to check out. I'll also try in the next couple of days (when I have the time; I really shouldn't even be writing this right now, but I need to get it out of my system) to make a donation over there. Lee and the rest of the folks that post there have given me hours and hours of entertainment and information over the past couple of years, and though I've donated before, it's probably time that I did it again. Overall, Lee's had a positive influence on me over the past couple of years, and a disagreement like this can only tarnish that influence; it can't make it go away.

Anyway, now I'm going to get to work on that paper on the use of religion to unify nations, particularly in military campaigns, in the history of the Islamic world. Stay out of trouble, wankers.


Blogger The King said...

I can't believe he actually banned you for that. There has been remarks that were said in full seriousness that were ten times worse and didn't even get a second thought. He is really slipping.

4:58 PM  
Blogger The Fly said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by, mate! I tend to agree with you on all counts. I like Lee, but I've had a real problem with the way he's conducted things lately, and I feel like he's picking fights.

As I've said on here, though, I wasn't serious about it (in fact, I think my real reason for posting that comment at all was more about being proud of myself for coming up with the term "autocopulation"), and if I'd had any idea whatsoever that Lee would ban me for it, I'd have said something completely different.

7:05 PM  
Blogger The King said...

He really is picking fights. I mean every now and then he use to bring something up that got everyone in a tizzy, but now it seems everyday is a new post. Which wouldn't be bad if they were different topics, but it isn’t. It’s the same old topic no one agrees with one another on. It’s not like there isn’t new out there to blog on. With all that is going on in the Middle East and elsewhere he should have enough material to write about. Don't get me wrong I like reading his blog and I think he is a great guy. He just seems to have a hair up his butt about this and wants to over emphasize his way of thinking.

I must say you are a better man than I would be about all of this. Personally I would fry his ass. I normally wouldn't do it, but some cases I make exceptions this would be one.

On a totally unrelated note I must say that you have a great blog here. I will have to add it to my BOT-W (Blog Of The Week) list on my site.

8:00 PM  
Blogger The Fly said...

Wow, sweet! Thanks, mate.

As for Lee... Yeah, I don't know. I definitely know that if I flipped out about things, A) it wouldn't help me as a person, B) it wouldn't help Lee as a person, and C) I'd never get to post on there again. Beyond the whole "science versus religion" issue, which is never going to be solved, especially on an Internet message board, I've felt in the past couple of months like Lee's commentary itself has declined. I know that he's been busier than a one-legged man in a foot race lately, so I don't expect the quantity that he used to post, but I think you're right, the quality of what he does take the time to post isn't what it once was. We'll just have to wait and see.

So do you have a blog somewhere that I could check out and link to?

10:44 PM  
Blogger The King said...

Yeah you have a point about flipping out would not be helping anything. It’s fun sometimes though.

Lee has been busy and I am sure it is stressing him out a bit. The good thing is his project should be done soon. So hopefully he gets some time off before he gets another project and he gets back to his normal self.

As for my blog it is The Next Level of Sipidation. I started out political and now it is more of a mix of life and politics. Latly I have been kind of blogged out so I have slowed down my postings, but I plan on getting back into the swing of things.

11:33 PM  
Blogger The Fly said...

Well, I've put you on my blogroll, and posted about your car.

Keep stoppin' by and commenting, I've enjoyed what you've had to say on both Lee's site and Manda's.

1:04 AM  
Blogger The King said...

Thanks for putting me on your blogroll. Got you up on my BOT-W list. I'll make sure to visit often.

4:09 AM  

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