14 March 2005

Sour Krauts

This lawsuit is an absolute travesty.

A big group of former East German athletes is to sue a pharmaceuticals giant over the damage they suffered under the country's doping progamme of the 1970s and 80s.

The 160 athletes - some of them only 10 at the time - are each claiming damages of 10,000 Euros from Jenapharm, which produced the steroids on behalf of the East German government.

The East German government doesn't exist anymore, so who do they sue? The phramaceuticals company that manufactured the drugs they knew they shouldn't be taking in the first place.

This is sort of like those asinine lawsuits from "civil rights" groups file against banks or companies that were indirectly and tangentally related with the slave trade two or three hundred years ago. It's absolutely preposterous.


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