23 March 2005

The Traits of an Engineer

He's the transcript of part of an AIM conversation I'm currently having with Friar Dave.

SuperFly: I'm just saying that our library is pretty useless for history, or at least, it could be a lot better. It's geared toward science and engineering.
FriarDave: yeah
FriarDave: purdues pretty much the same
FriarDave: they're engineer-crazy around here
SuperFly: Engineers are kind of like locusts around here.
FriarDave: haha
FriarDave: yeah
FriarDave: among other things
SuperFly: They've got big bug eyes and wings, and they're obsessed with eating, mating, and destroying crops.
FriarDave: lol
FriarDave: thats really funny

Alright, get back to work, wankers.


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