17 May 2005

A Proud Heritage

Okay, so Aaron over at Free Will is fond of saying that he's made in America with Scottish parts. I figured, "Why not show Aaron up?" Actually, I just thought everyone would get a kick out of seeing a picture of me in my kilt.

I bought this thing a couple of summers ago, up in the outskirts of Metropolis at one of those Scottish festivals that they'll have in any given large city. I know it's not a fancy Tartan kilt, like the Clan Cleland one that I'll someday get my hands on, but it's affordable. It's made by a company called Utilikilts up in the hippy conclave of Seattle.

This picture was taken, I think, in 2003, a month or two after I bought the thing. The kilt pin is a Clan Crawford pin, though I'm pretty sure my closer relation is to the Clelands. When I was in Edinburgh last year, I bought a cheap sporran. I should probably get the proper shoes and hose to go with it, but I'm basically broke right now, so I'll settle for baby steps... Besides, contrary to the comments of Fighting Fyffe, it looks pretty outstanding with the black combat boots.

Interestingly enough, when I was looking up sporrans, I came across this page about a guy who bought an antique sporran that was used by a Royal Canadian Highlanders clerk in World War I. Kilt fan or not, it's worth checking out.


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