23 June 2005

Achy... Hopefully Not Breaking

I woke up to my alarm at 06:15, and immediately knew that things were not as they should be. I don't notice my shoulder anymore, because for no apparent reason the stiffness has moved to my elbow. In fact, most of my major joints, most notably my right hip ball and socket joint, are stiff from yesterday's run. From now on I will definitely be stretching out after I exercise.

There's a lot to do, and I've got an hour to do it, so this won't be a long post. Later on I'm going to post an excerpt from the transcript of Secretary Rumsfeld's morning testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee. Secretary Rumsfeld, one of the most maligned political figures of our generation, had some excellent remarks that are worthy of note.

Just a final thought. Katie Holmes isn't much older than me, only four years or so. Right now I'm watching an old episode of Saved by the Bell, and Tiffany Amber-Thiessen just mentioned Tom Cruise. That's right, folks: back when Katie Holmes was in high school (or middle school?), Tom Cruise was already well established. I'm just sayin', something's fishy.


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