28 June 2005

Arabic Girl

This post is best introduced by a classic line from a popular situation comedy, which will remain nameless in case Bane is reading.

"I know, I know, I know!"
"[Generic female situation comedy character], you asked the question!"

Okay, so there's this girl in my Arabic class, and she's the girl everybody dreads. She breaks into conversations that have nothing to do with her, she asks the instructor questions and then argues with her about the answers, she asks extremely outlandish questions... For example:

"I'm going to Tunisia in a year, and I was wondering, would it offend anyone if I were to take light scarves? Because I'm not a Muslim, I just don't want to offend people."

To which I feel like saying:

"Let me guess... You're an only child? Ohh-hoh-kay, so let's get back to actually discussing Arabic language, and you can deal with your little attention issues after class."

I'm in there with a couple of my mates, and we are constantly making fun of her behind her back. To top it all off, she's minoring in French (and Spanish, and Philosophy... ), and lived there for three months... Which fully qualifies her to say during an in-class exercise that she's from France. And not just France... From a town that nobody else can pronounce! (I can't complain too much, though; I got sick enough of hearing the name of my own state during said exercise that today I said that I was from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and Kandahar, Afghanistan during the same exercise. I rule.) She talked to my two Marine buddies, who were chatting just to be polite, about how the French people were really nice, they were just curious, they didn't like the American government, and she'd just explained that she doesn't like the current government, blah blah blah blah blah.

Today one of the other girls in the class and I were walking to the library, where there's a coffee shop (tea, baby!), to get something to drink during the short recess from class. Annoying Girl (I need to come up with a better name) eventually caught up with us. Her line?

"Gee, guys, thanks for waiting for me!

If I had to guess, I'd say that Annoying Girl would start humping my leg if I ever got bored enough to make fun of her to her face. We already had this conversation...

(To [Marine Buddy]) "**** you!"
Annoying Girl: "No thanks."
Me: "I wasn't talking to you."
Annoying Girl: "I know. I just don't believe in that."
Me: "So... Beejays?"
Annoying Girl: *silence for a glorious minute, then... * "Blah blah blah about something Fly doesn't care about."

I know each and every one of you has had to deal with someone like this. Post your suggestions for a drosophilic code name for her, and I'll keep posting Annoying Girl stories over the next month or so.


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