25 June 2005

A Lazy Saturday

Here's the score, folks. Twitley arrived home last night a little after 01:15. Right now we're over at our recently completed vacation home. We'll probably be here for another half hour, then head back to hometown.

Twitley hasn't changed much. Actually, he hasn't changed at all. He's sort of like Lycan, except without any class. A few days ago he and his buddies rode dirt bikes; he was in nothing but shorts, a helmet, and boots. The sunburn has peeled partially, so there are two different layers to his back, and it looks absolutely disgusting. His skin is peeling and he can flake it off by rubbing his back; he did so on the love seat next to the window. Disgusting.

I'm being summoned for a brotherly photograph. I'll post more later. I hope everybody's having a great weekend; stay out of trouble.

(By the way, I still have a brand new graphing calculator and a DVD copy of "The Mexican" for sale, if anyone's interested.)


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