29 July 2005

In Concert

It appears that the BBC and the Council on Foreign Relations are now working together to spread liberal, anti-American propaganda far and wide.

A prestigious US political research body has accused the US government of giving impetus to Iraq's insurgency through a lack of post-war planning.

A Council on Foreign Relations study said the decision that reconstruction would not need any more forces than the invasion was a critical miscalculation.

Too few soldiers, it said, had left the US ill-equipped to address security, governance and economic demands.

Two things.

  • Since when is the so-called "Council on Foreign Relations" a "prestigious US political research body"? Call me crazy, but I was under the impression that they were a bunch of partisan moonbat leftists who enjoyed patting themselves on the back for spreading a "blame America first" message like the one discussed in the article.
  • If America had sent more troops to begin with, and sent reinforcements now, wouldn't the "Council on Foreign Relations" (i.e. Barking Moonbat Lunatics Society) be screaming bloody murder and throwing around terms like "imperialist" and "occupation"?

    Don't tell the BBC about any of this, though. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings by showing them that they're a bunch of partisan hacks with no journalistic integrity or ability.

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