28 July 2005

The New Apostles

This is a post that will likely make Jacob Copper cringe and have nightmares; if you're not terribly religious, you might want to feel free to skip this post.

I don't share the perspective of the Latter-day Saints, who believe in a succession of apostles. Today, the LDS church has a full set of apostles (twelve, I think, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles if I remember correctly). Anyway, that's not the point.

The point is that, from time to time, I consider who in the modern era would qualify as an "apostle". That is to say, someone high profile who unashamedly espouses and promotes a sincere and compelling belief in Christ, and though they have their faults, and though they might stumble, they try their utmost to live a Biblical lifestyle.

Here are a few that come to mind. Some of you may disagree with them. You'll have your chance.

  • C.S. Lewis, author (deceased)
  • Paul "Bono" Hewson, U2 frontman (living)
  • Mel Gibson, actor/filmmaker (living)
  • Billy Graham, evangelist (living)

    Your assignment? Post three to five individuals (you can use one or more of mine if you agree strongly) who fit the description who you feel could be deemed modern apostles. I look forward to reading your input.

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