29 July 2005

Kid Killin' Mullahs

How much are you willing to bet, after reading this story, that Human Rights Watch isn't so much protesting against the execution and unlawful detention of opposition leaders; rather, they're protesting against capital punishment in general?

Keep in mind, folks, that these are the folks who think that sleep deprivation, orange chicken, and lemon fish constitutes "torture". Consider the source.

Obviously, the mullahs ought to quit killing young people, unless those young people are murdering their fellow citizens, raping their fellow citizens, or molesting kids. The charges against the two youngsters in this story sound just a tad dubious. However, I have to think that the trust fund superstars over at Human Rights Watch and "gay rights organisations" aren't gonna do jack in this case, and don't really have any business telling any government anywhere what they should and shouldn't do.

I'm not siding with Human Rights Watch, and I'm certainly not siding with the mullahs. As far as I'm concerned, they're both wrong in this case.

In other Iran news, American investigators are still investigating the possibility that the new Iranian president was involved in the 1979 hostage incident.


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