26 July 2005

Progress in Uganda

Have a look at this!

A Ugandan MP is raising funds to send virgins to university for free.

Sulaiman Madada says he wants to encourage schoolgirls to be morally upright and avoid early marriages.

"We do not want these girls to get exposed to Aids," he told the Associated Press. Uganda is often held up as a model of how to fight HIV/Aids.

I think this is a great idea; the carrot rather than the stick, so to speak.

However, there is a money shot, and this one's unfortunate:

Infection rates have fallen from 15% to 5% but critics say this could now rise because the government is promoting abstinence, rather than safe sex.

Well, gee, isn't the whole point that infection rates have fallen because the government is promoting abstinence? It's stupid "howevers" like this that make me look twice at every BBC article I read.


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