07 February 2006

Final Destination

We all have to die sometime; no, don't worry, I don't plan to do it any time soon, though fear of death left me a long time ago. Anyway, my question for you is this: what do you want to happen to your body when you die? Do you want it buried? Cremated? Donated to science? Do you want your organs donated? Or do you want to be compressed into a tiny canister and fired from Mons Meg? Perhaps you're a Star Trek fanatic, and your favorite aliens are the Ferengi, and you want your body to be vacuum dessicated, packaged into sealed capsules, and sold off to the highest bidders?

I haven't come to any concrete conclusions yet as to where I'm headed. Today I entertained the thought of having my body cremated, and having half of my ashes scattered in Orkney and half of them spread in the south fork of the Shoshone River in Wyoming. If I'm buried, I want to be buried in an English coffin; for what it's worth, I have never once in my life seen a coffin used in America. America uses caskets, yo.

Anyway, where are you headed?


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