Fly Report: 26th February 2007
Good Morning! Since The Fly is deployed (rhymes with "unemployed"), Father Time will do his best to drive loyal readers away from this pagan site!
Obligatory song lyrics: (Usually some lame verbiage about having loved and lost or being dumped for the umpteenth time.) Oh solo mio!
It's 46° Fahrenheit and rainy in Nehalem Bay. In Nashville, the forecast calls for a high of 39° Fahrenheit and cloudy. These are brought to you by the respective Chambers of Commerce who pay The Fly handsomely for the free advertising.
The average price of oil is $60.91 per barrel. (Knowledgeable futurists predict the price will rise.) The exchange rate is $1.96 for £1, or £0.51 for $1. Yawn!
Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day shows Britney Spears in rehab. Not cool.
Today's scripture reading is Jeremiah 25. The Fly is reading Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy when he's not out fooling around.
More obligatory song lyrics: You're looking for something. That you'll never find.
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