Operation GRIM

Operation GRIM is aimed at getting Grace (one of the Ranger Up guys' friends/models) and Tim Kennedy (an International Fight League competitor and Iraq War Veteran) into the pages of Maxim to promote the WWP. Whether you're a supporter of the Iraq War (like me), or a legitimate and patriotic skeptic (like Father Time, we can all agree that patriotic Americans have an obligation to mitigate the impact of the wounds our brave young heroes sustain as much as we possibly can. The WWP is doing this, and helping out with Operation GRIM is a great way to help... Plus, it gets another really hot chick into Maxim, which is a great thing.
There are two ways to help:
(1) Buy an Operation GRIM shirt. They're stylish, not cheesy white cotton with an insidious logo on the front; plus every penny of profit goes to the WWP.
(2) If you're a blogger, consider putting either a link or an Operation GRIM banner on your blog. By the time any of you read this, I will have placed mine in my sidebar. For several of you who are reading this, you could probably stand to dress up your blog a little bit by putting a picture of a hot girl with an assault rifle on it.*
Long-time readers will know that I try to support the military in whatever way I can - to the point of moving to the People's Republic of California. This is a great way for you to help our young heroes, and you don't even have to move to the middle of the desert. If you only choose option one, you get a shirt out of the deal; if you only choose option two, all you're out is a few keystrokes and a couple of mouse clicks. If you choose both, you get a shirt and you're only out a few keystrokes and less cash than it would take to buy a season of South Park. Please, spread the word about this.
* Not you, Mo; except for needing to update your archive tab, your blog has the best design ever.
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