Fly's Holiday Rampage: Day 2

So what's on the agenda? Today I'm going to go to a gun shop to see if they carry or can order the FN FAL that I want. Of course, since I'm planning to take that course from Blackwater, I'll probably be in the market for a carbine version of the AR-15 before I come close to buying an FN. Speaking of Blackwater, I'm going to do some land navigation practice today with my trusty Garmin eTrex. Both of these activities, in addition to my first ever visit to a Waffle House (watch me trying to contain my excitement), will be carried out with one of my buddies from out here, whose Fly code name I haven't quite figured out yet. It could be either Manchild or Police Fan. Long story.
The Hollywood screen writers are still on strike, and as a result, amateur Internet(s/web) videos keep getting better and better. Could the Hollywood screen writers be putting themselves out of business for good? Could be, and I don't think anyone would get very upset. This morning I discovered, quite on accident, a fairly talented comedian whose stuff is worth checking out. He goes by the name of GoRemy, and although I'm posting this video...
... but his "Habib" videos are absolutely worth watching. Hilarious.
Chazza has posted a response to yesterday's post on her own blog. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I'll address her comments either tonight or tomorrow.
I think I'm minutes away from shaving my beard - not my goatee, but the overall beard. As you can see, I took a picture. It's like a reverse mullet: military in the back, Taliban up front.
Manchild/Police Fan and I will take some pictures today, and they may end up on the blog. Stay tuned for that. In the mean time, have an awesome Thursday.
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