24 November 2008

Return of the Zombies

I hope that everyone had a most excellent weekend. I spent mine writing, running a few errands, hanging out with Young David, cleaning my nine, and sleeping - lots of sleeping. Here are a few items.

Remember how the election of Barack Obama was going to solve all of our problems with terrorists? Remember how the election of this fresh, vibrant young politician would end the War on Terror? Apparently not: Ayman al Zawahiri has called Obama a "house negro". Ouch. Here are the links: BBC, UPI, AP, Times. Whatever criticisms people level at President Bush, the least they can say is that he scared the shit out of the terrorists (and the French), eh?

American forces in Iraq have arrested a senior Iranian commando who was using the cover of repairing religious sites to smuggle weapons into the country. The good news is that they caught the guy. In other good news from Iraq, Swedish truck and bus manufacturer Scania has signed a deal to reopen a factory in Iraq. In other Middle Eastern news, international analysts predict a high likelihood of Yemen coming apart at the seams as its oil resources dry up.

Did you see The Dark Knight last Summer? Did you enjoy it? If so, you'll probably love The Editing Room's condensed version. Hilarious.

And, in more Obama-related news, I present this clip from America's finest news source:

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are

Excellent, and true, as I pointed out back in September! That's it for today, check back tomorrow.


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