AMF: Crypto King Loves Marshmallows
Hey folks! It's Friday! That means it's time for Arbeit Macht Freitag! Here are a couple of links from yesterday's news perusal.
Following up on this article from yesterday that I was incredulous about, apparently General Petraeus is quietly challenging the President. Isn't that interesting?
And following up on the link about the Babe Theory of Political Movements is this post from the Danger Room blog about Natalia Morar, a stone cold Moldovan hottie who's been blamed by the Moldovan government for inciting the recent anti-communist demonstrations (read: riots) there. I have to be honest, I don't condone violence or property damage, but I can't guarantee that I wouldn't hassle some commies if I thought it would get me her phone number.
Kazakhstan claims to have a '130-year-old' woman - the Fly is skeptical, but she's still really old.
Kim Jong Il appeared in public for the first time since last fall, and he looks terrible (BBC, Guardian, Times). It couldn't have happened to a bigger wanker.
The Moors want an apology for the Spanish Inquisition, four hundred years later. I'm going to practice my better judgment and not comment on this one, but it's still interesting.
And here's a conversation I had last night with the Crypto King.
And here's a video with a hot chick talking about pirates...
... And here's part two.
Hotties? Check. News? Check. Hilarity from the Crypto King? Check. Satellite image of Independence Square in Vilnius, Lithuania? Check*. My work here is done. Have a great weekend, folks!
* On a side note, one of my buddies from high school and college married a Lithuanian woman, and I was the best man in their wedding (see photo, attached) and the lynchpin in his plan to send her on a scavenger hunt in an elaborate scheme to propose to her during Spring of 2002. When I met her for the first time, probably in late Summer of 2001 if I remember correctly, I had done just a little bit of research and found out that the capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. She was astonished that I knew this information, and that I had taken the time to find out a little bit about her, and save for her month-long period of pre-wedding insanity, we've been great friends ever since. I've had similar experiences with people from Nigeria, and I think there were a few other countries. My advice to you, the valued reader, is this: if you want a foreigner to be on your side, instantly, demonstrate that you know the name of their capital city, particularly if they come from some country that most people have never heard of. You'll be amazed at the results.
And here's a conversation I had last night with the Crypto King.
Crypto King: I just started a new todo list
Crypto King: it's "Things to do while [the wife] and the boys are in Japan"
Crypto King: the only thing on it right now is:
Crypto King: The Lucky Charms project
Crypto King: * Buy box of Lucky Charms
The Fly: ROFL
The Fly: You're my ----ing hero.
Crypto King: * Separate marshmellows from other part
Crypto King: * Throw other part away
The Fly: ROFL
Crypto King: * Eat bowl full of marshmellows.
Crypto King: s/mel/mal
Crypto King: I need a spellchecker in google tasks.
Crypto King: people here get mad if they see me throwing away half the cereal.
The Fly: YOu could always bring in just the marshmallows.
Crypto King: that would be silly, since we have big urns of cereal here.
Crypto King: I dump a bunch in my hand, eat the marshmallows, then throw the rest away.
The Fly: And people fuss at you.
Crypto King: unless some hippy is standing around watching me.
Crypto King: yeah, in that case I just eat it all.
And here's a video with a hot chick talking about pirates...
... And here's part two.
Hotties? Check. News? Check. Hilarity from the Crypto King? Check. Satellite image of Independence Square in Vilnius, Lithuania? Check*. My work here is done. Have a great weekend, folks!

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