Freight Training
Happy Thursday, folks. I hope everyone's well. I'm going to start things off with some bulleted stories.
Lebanon Charges 9 People for Spying for Israel (AP)
From the BBC: June 6, 1944: UK's last day as a superpower
From the BBC: Marilyn Manson is crazy
Mauritania rivals agree to polls (BBC)
al Qaeda in the Maghreb 'kills British hostage' (BBC, Times); Times: Analysis: who are Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb?
Cracked: 17 Historical Moments Ruined by Modern Technology (photoshop contest)
So, I spent last night working on a write-up about what's been going on in Iran, but it's turning into an article, as opposed to a blog post. My solution to that is the keep writing it as an article, and publish it on the blog next week when I submit it to my parallel writing endeavour.
So, what else is going on with yours truly? Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've frequently noted my intention to go on yomps, but for one reason or another I haven't been able to. I didn't yomp yesterday. I did swim yesterday - and I discovered that there's a YMCA location about five minutes' drive from where I work, the pool's great, they have open swim (read: no children in the pool) until 17:00, and I've finally got my goggles configured so that they don't let a ton of water in and I can actually see through them. So, I think I may actually be on track to swim regularly now - just as I was ready to cut my membership loose. I went to bed early last night so that I could get up early this morning and go for a yomp, so that's the plan. I figure with about three swims a week, and one or two yomps, all of them of increasing duration over time, I should be in pretty good shape within a month or two. After a couple of weeks, if I can keep up the habit, I want to finally add in pushups and situps, probably on yomp days. That, ladies and gentlemen, makes me happy.
I also received a veritable magic bullet of language learning yesterday from a buddy of mine. I'm not sure when I'll start working it into my routine, but it's a pretty big deal. That makes me happy, too. Barring interruptions, I think it's remotely feasible that I could be damn near fluent (or at least, functionally literate) in Arabic by the end of the year, and in my best physical condition in years within two or three months. That's a big, big, big deal - and could very well help me to get where I'm looking to go in life.
I think I mentioned a few days ago that I spent a lot of this last Saturday working on my new webpage. As I've probably implied, it's going to be a long process, but I'm making progress. I've decided to include a preview picture for those readers who will actually see my new website when it goes online - since I'll be using my real name on the new site, it will never be linked here, and it will be formatted much differently than this blog is. At any rate, one of the big sections - probably the biggest, actually - is going to be an archive section in which I'll have military literature, ancient literature, Western literary classics, religious documents, and a few other items. The image you see is going to be the splash banner for the archive index pages.
So, let's hope today is somewhat similar in its excellence to the excellence that was yesterday. Speaking of which, I need to get rolling. Have a great Thursday, folks.
So, I spent last night working on a write-up about what's been going on in Iran, but it's turning into an article, as opposed to a blog post. My solution to that is the keep writing it as an article, and publish it on the blog next week when I submit it to my parallel writing endeavour.
So, what else is going on with yours truly? Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've frequently noted my intention to go on yomps, but for one reason or another I haven't been able to. I didn't yomp yesterday. I did swim yesterday - and I discovered that there's a YMCA location about five minutes' drive from where I work, the pool's great, they have open swim (read: no children in the pool) until 17:00, and I've finally got my goggles configured so that they don't let a ton of water in and I can actually see through them. So, I think I may actually be on track to swim regularly now - just as I was ready to cut my membership loose. I went to bed early last night so that I could get up early this morning and go for a yomp, so that's the plan. I figure with about three swims a week, and one or two yomps, all of them of increasing duration over time, I should be in pretty good shape within a month or two. After a couple of weeks, if I can keep up the habit, I want to finally add in pushups and situps, probably on yomp days. That, ladies and gentlemen, makes me happy.
I also received a veritable magic bullet of language learning yesterday from a buddy of mine. I'm not sure when I'll start working it into my routine, but it's a pretty big deal. That makes me happy, too. Barring interruptions, I think it's remotely feasible that I could be damn near fluent (or at least, functionally literate) in Arabic by the end of the year, and in my best physical condition in years within two or three months. That's a big, big, big deal - and could very well help me to get where I'm looking to go in life.

So, let's hope today is somewhat similar in its excellence to the excellence that was yesterday. Speaking of which, I need to get rolling. Have a great Thursday, folks.
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