04 January 2005

Plentiful Targets

Seventy-thousand terrorists? That's a lot!

Some 70,000 people received weapons training and religious instruction in al-Qaeda camps, German police says.
The claim came at the retrial of Mounir al-Motassadek, a Moroccan man accused of involvement in the 9/11 attacks, which were partly planned in Germany.

A German police officer told the court recruits at the camps were taught they had a duty to kill US citizens.

Mr Motassadek says he received training in Afghanistan and knew some of the 9/11 hijackers - but not of their plot.

Although initially convicted of involvement in the attacks, he is now facing a retrial.

The case against him collapsed last year when a judge ruled that US authorities' refusal to allow lawyers access to a key witness in their custody had prejudiced proceedings.

I don't know what I'm less surprised about, the fact that seventy thousand terrorist villains went through these camps, or that the British case against this Motassadek character is going to be overturned on account of one witness that lawyers didn't have access to.


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